Monday 29 December 2014

Beginning the Journey

On October 6th, 2014, I left work and, upon my arrival to my home, was rushed to the emergency room of Victoria Hospital with complications from Crohn's disease.  I returned home two weeks later after surgery to remove approximately a foot of my intestines.

I was initially diagnosed with Crohn's in 1994.  During the past 20 years, I got used to the disease...the pain, the frequent trips to the bathroom and to the emergency room of the hospital to treat blockages.   But the trip to the hospital this year was different.

After my surgery, I stopped breathing.  My husband was rushed from the room and a Code Blue was called.  Thankfully, the quick actions of the nursing staff (angels from the good Lord above), brought me back to my family.

It has been a long three months of recovery.  It has been frustrating at times but it has also given me a chance to reflect.  Why am I okay with putting up with the pain and frustrations of this disease?  Why is it okay that I have to inject myself with medications that really doesn't seem to have a huge change in my symptoms?  Am I okay with having a surgery like this again?   The answer is a resounding HELL NO!

So I started to research.  And research.   And research some more.  This research has brought me to the conclusion that what I put into my mouth has a direct result on my health...and here is where I start my journey.   A journey of whole foods - lean proteins, healthy fats, and lots of fruits and veggies.

I hope that you will join me on my journey...